10 Blissful Songs for Your Yoga Playlist

The other day I had a fellow yoga teacher ask me, “what’s a good song for my yoga playlist?” As a yoga teacher, I put a lot of effort into my playlists. They have to create a mood, set a…

5 Ways to Bring Your Family Together this Thanksgiving

Although Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time of giving thanks and appreciating the good things we have, I have sat at many a Thanksgiving dinner and witnessed fighting, sarcasm, and tension. These are the kinds of dinners that will…

5 Ways to Cope with Negativity in the Workplace

I woke up to a text message from my co-worker this morning: “I feel like these days are a never ending marathon – and we are not moving.” When I asked what I could do to help he responded, “Not…

5 Ways to Save Money on Groceries and Eat Healthy

  I’ve been watching my diet (and my budget) for quiet some time now. While it is true that eating healthy can sometimes be expensive, it doesn’t always have to break the bank! Here are some tips I have gathered…

Why I Am Thankful For My Yoga Mat

It’s an old yoga mat, but when I rest my head on it, it has that old familiar smell. My yoga mat is bright pink with swirly mandala patterns all around. I bought it in a TJ Maxx several years…

When Your Guilty Pleasure Turns into a Guilty Habit

Do you have a guilty pleasure? A food that is your absolute weakness? We have all used the phrase, “Oh, but it is my weakness,” when referring to some sort of food, may it be cupcakes, candy, pasta, or maybe…

Mindful Bird Watching in South Florida

Fall is an exciting time for bird watching in South Florida. The breeding birds of the north are migrating to their wintering grounds in the south including South Florida, the Caribbean, and South America. Some of these birds travel thousands of miles….

Embracing the Chaos and Accepting Yourself

Loving and accepting yourself is the most fundamental thing you need to do to live a happy, stable, and fulfilling life…and yet most of us struggle to do that. We try to change who we are  with statements like, “I’m…

Vipassana: Learning From the Silence

I always hated silence. Those moments when there’s a pause in speech and the room suddenly goes quiet. Or the times that you are home alone and the television is off, so all you hear is the sound of your…

4 Steps to a Happier Relationship

Falling in love with healthier, happier relationships. Three years into our marriage and I feel closer to my husband than ever before. Truthfully, we have to be close at this point, we’ve been together through thick and thin at our highest…