Higher Consciousness and The Art of Boulder-Placing

Standing in a mountain creek, watching the water flow over the rocks  And pebbles I couldn’t help but contemplate the way we form thoughts. One trickle of water over stone and dirt leaves behind an ease of movement for any water…

5 Reasons Writing is Good for Your Soul

Set an Intention This Year: Spend More Time Writing This year I vow to do more writing than I did last year. You see, for me, just like many other people writing is my therapist, my spa day, my self-care…

How I Said Goodbye to Fear

I had a realization this morning… I thought of all of the experiences that I missed out on because I felt afraid. I recalled times when I didn’t speak my mind because of fear of judgement. I thought of how…

How to Connect to Your Inner ‘Independent Woman’

Not every woman was born to just be a ‘mom’, or ‘employee’, or ‘boss.’ Those are simply labels…words of the world used to identify us on the outside. But on the inside, we know we are beautiful souls here to…

5 Ways to Honor Your Mother

Mother’s Day is this weekend and many people are rushing out the door today to buy her a gift or make reservations at a fancy restaurant. But the gift that your mother gave you is much greater than any gift you…

Self Belief and the Power of Spirit

It is your god given right to own your own experience.   Here’s a little something we don’t often talk about: It is absolutely intended that you grow into your full potential, it’s the journey you have actually challenged yourself…

SeekerFest: Persistence and Following Your Dreams

I had just returned from taking a long “walk” along the Camino de Santiago when the idea came to me. It was feeling a clarity that I had not felt before. An acute understanding of the limitations I had put…

Bhakti Yoga: The Divine Music Within

The first time I participated in a kirtan and felt Bhakti yoga in my heart I was in the first week of my teacher training at I Love Yoga studio. As Moses Love played the notes on the old wooden…

What I’ve Learned From Women’s Circles

I started leading Women’s Healing Circles in January 2011 and haven’t stopped since. This is one of my big passions because I am committed to a peaceful world. For myself and humanity. This is the why I do it. Sacred…

ArchAngel Michael’s White Light

We all know that feeling; the uneasiness that lurks in darkness – the feeling of being watched – or simply the feeling that something feels “off”. You may have experienced this feeling more intensely as a child, but even as…