“Es importante hacer cosas que nos den miedo.” ~Sofia
Good news to share: You can overcome fear.
A while ago I initiated the process of becoming a Guardian Ad Litem, a program in Miami-Dade County designed to help kids and teenagers that are under the custody of the judicial system. Basically, they are under a legal procedure in which the court will determine the best place for them to live, based on their circumstances. The options can be the fittest parent, a close relative, and, in the worst scenarios, a foster home. The role of the Guardian Ad Litem is to become acquainted with the child or teenager through conversations, outings, fun trips, and become familiar with them and their surroundings. The Guardian Ad Litem then provides a neutral report to the court indicating, based on his or her criteria, what the best is for the child.
The training to become a Guardian Ad Litem is long and tedious. The background check is rigorous. Although I had almost completed all the classes for the training, and even successfully finished the background check, I decided to drop the idea of becoming a Guardian Ad Litem.
I didn’t know exactly why I didn’t complete, especially after investing so much.
Finding My Vision
Some time passed, and somehow unexpectedly to me, I was enrolled in the Yoga Teacher Training in I Love Yoga. After 10 weekends of intense emotional and physical work, I got my yoga instructor certification. During teacher training, I wrote on a vision board that I would be teaching yoga to teenagers, and I said, “If they are rebels, troublemakers, even better!”
Due to some amazing unrelated events, and an unbelievable synchronicity, I was put in contact with the Miami Bridge. The Bridge offers shelter to neglected and/or abandoned teenagers. It’s an old magical house next to the Miami River, surrounded by the most beautiful trees. It’s a pearl in the middle of an ugly neighborhood. It has two sections, one for the boys, and one for the girls. It’s a very humble, yet homey place…ideal for me to materialize the seed I have planted on my vision board.
After completing the pertinent paperwork, I just received an email from the Bridge stating that I am approved to teach yoga there, and that my first class would be by the end of the month.
Facing Fear
As part of the process of me becoming familiar with the Bridge, I have attended two mentoring sessions. The mentoring sessions are held on Tuesdays evening. The second time I went, I was asked by one of the mentors, “Sofia, how did you feel at the first session?” I told him what a great experience I had, and I also told him that the night after the session, I had a nightmare. He asked me if I knew the reason why. I told him it could have been that I had picked up some negative energy that night. He said, “well, yes that could be… but the reality is that there are some entities out there that don’t want you to do what you are doing, and they will do whatever available in their power for preventing you from doing it.”
I realized now that what had prevented me for completing the Guardian Ad Litem program was fear. I was afraid to be emotionally challenged. I decided to stay in my comfort zone. I was afraid I could have a breakdown when faced with difficult situations.
The idea if teaching yoga at the Bridge still scares me a bit, and that’s okay. Now, I know I am solid and strong enough to face whatever I will face. Fear attempted to prevent me from fulfilling part of my destiny, and I will not allow that anymore. Although fear is still there to some degree, it won’t stop me. Fear is sneaky. Look at it straight at it and say, “I am here to fulfill my divine destiny, and nothing will stop me.”
Now, I am ready to teach Soul Rebel Yoga at the Bridge, and when the time is right, I will go back to the Guardian Ad Litem program.
To my brother, teacher and eternal love, Moses, your voice will forever resonate within my heart saying, “Take a risk. Be of service. Celebrate Life!”
“Whatever story that dis-empowers you, it’s not true.”
This is to all of you that are brave enough to be vulnerable.
About the Author
Sofia Bustillos is above all, a lover and servant of God. Born in Caracas, Venezuela. A writer and a believer of romance; passionate about the mysteries and pleasures of life. A reader of books, bodies and gestures. A yoga instructor and a meditator. She loves coffee, red wine and karma-free (vegetarian) food. Sofia works as a paralegal and lives in Coconut Grove, Florida.
Dorinda T.
Wow! What a pleasure to know this wonderful person! I am so moved by her love and dedication. And I pray for her to be the positive influence our younger generation so desperately needs.
Suki Eleuterio
AuthorThank you for the love Dorinda. I will pass on to sister Sofia <3