I was looking through Netflix for something inspiring to watch….
Then I happened upon Ram Dass: Fierce Grace.
Through my yoga teacher training, I had heard about Ram Dass but I didn’t know too much about him. All that changed in the course of two hours as I sat there with tears streaming down my face learning about this wonderful man.
A spiritual teacher who spent many years finding his path in India, his journey began as a Harvard professor who was charismatic, fun, and a little bit quirky. After experimenting and doing research on the effects of psychedelic drugs, Dass (who was then known as Richard Alpert), was dismissed from the University and ultimately given the freedom to continue his spiritual journey. Traveling to India, he was soon taken under the wing of Neem Karoli Baba, who later became his guru. Neem Karoli Baba gave Richard Alpert the spiritual name, Ram Dass, which means, “servant of God.”
When Dass returned to the United States, he went to work spreading the teaching of the Vedas and creating a hippie commune and sharing the word. His book, Be Here Now, which came out in 1971 was revered as a “counterculture bible.” Throughout the book and all through his life, he has written the most beautiful, inspirational novels and continues to do so today. Even after suffering a stroke in 1997, he published Polishing the Mirror: How to Live from Your Spiritual Heart, with the help of a transcriber.
His words are poetic magic. Here are some of my favorite quotes by Ram Dass:
1. “We’re all just walking each other home.”
[tweetthis]”We’re all just walking each other home,” – Ram Dass #Inspiring #Quotes [/tweetthis]
2. “We’re fascinated by the words- but where we meet is the silence behind them.”
[tweetthis]”We are fascinated by the words, but where we meet is the silence behind them.” – @BabaRamDass [/tweetthis]
3. “Be here now.”
[tweetthis]”Be here now,” – @babaramdass #quotes #inspiration [/tweetthis]
4. ” I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion – and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies.”
[tweetthis]”I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion – and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies.”[/tweetthis]
5. “Meditation and concentration are the way to a life of serenity.”
[tweetthis]”Meditation and concentration are the way to a life of serenity.” – @BabaRamDass[/tweetthis]
6. “Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point where we realize that in our own being, we are enough.”
[tweetthis] “Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point where we realize that in our own being, we are enough.” – Ram Dass[/tweetthis]
7. “Don’t compare your path with anybody else’s. Your path is unique to you.” 
[tweetthis]”Don’t compare your path with anybody else’s. Your path is unique to you.” Ram Dass #Inspiration #Quote[/tweetthis]
8. “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”
[tweetthis]”The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” – @BabaRamDass [/tweetthis]
9. “When you identify with your soul, everybody is part of us.” 
[tweetthis]”When you identify with your soul, everybody is part of us.” – @BabaRamDass[/tweetthis]
10. “The blue sky is her mind, the green leaves pulse with her blood, the wind is her breath, the rain her water of life. She is Gaia, the Earth Mother.” 
[tweetthis]”The blue sky is her mind, the green leaves pulse with her blood, the wind is her breath, the rain her water of life. She is Gaia, the Earth Mother.” [/tweetthis]
About the Author
Suki Eleuterio is a blogger, spiritualist, yoga enthusiast and poet living in South Florida. She is the founder of Found My Light, and the creative mind behind Sookton’s Space. She enjoys writing and discussing spirituality, holistic health, and vegetarianism. Growing up in Kenya with parents from different religious and cultural backgrounds, Suki has spent time finding her own path. You can follow her musings on Twitter and Instagram.
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